Thursday, 3 June 2010


Been on a bit of a shopping spree recently. I saw this dress on asos a while ago but I couldn't justify paying £20 for a dress. But yesterday I suddenly felt in need of a bit of money spending so I went ahead and bought it. I'll be interested in seeing it when it arrives (hopefully some time today - pictures to follow) because the photos don't show much online. Hopefully it'll be nice enough to wear to my university's end of term garden party. Should be a pretty awesome night. Otherwise, I'm about to start another dress project. I'll let you know how it goes.

The other item I bought was this little leather satchel from ebay. I've been looking at similar bags for a while. All my favourite fashion bloggers have been wearing them but they usually go for more money than I'm willing to spend on ebay and I'm yet to find the right one in charity shops. I bid on the one in the top picture assuming it would carry on rising as all the previous ones had but to my surprise I won it! I hadn't looked at it very well before bidding but it says in the description that it is 10" by 7" which makes it a pretty good size. Not too big but not tiny. As with the dress, I'll let you know when it arrives!

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